Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quebec's Hockey Dreams May Give Harper His Majority

Quebec Colisee

From The National Post:

This week's federal byelections, in which the Conservatives grabbed a seat away from the Bloc Quebecois, will be analyzed for what portent they may hold in a future general election. But such tea leaf reading is an uncertain endeavour for a variety of reasons -- not the least of which is the ridiculously low voter turnout. It's hard to predict what most people think when most people didn't vote.

In any case, those gazing into the electoral crystal ball should probably focus more on a part of la belle province where people weren't voting this week: Quebec City. With Quebec being one of the keys to a Tory majority, the government is on the cusp of a winning plan in the province's capital.

Read more ....

My Comment: For an outsider .... the common remark is .... "you got to be kidding". But for people in the region .... this is a very important issue. Will support from Ottawa for an NHL team have an impact .... definitely. For Conservatives in the region, this will be a feel good issue, one in which they cannot lose.

Looking at it from an economics point of view, supporting an NHL team does not make sense. The market is not big enough to accommodate a new team. But hey .... when did politicians care about economics.

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